Friday, January 8, 2021

Persephone Persimmon & Min Tea


Hakkue Manor


I'm trying to draw the gang after every Dungeon or Primal. Which also means telling everyone to pick a new outfit for each session. 

We do this in style or we don't do it at all.

Bros Of Mineral Town


Got my bf the new Friends Of Mineral Town for the holidays! Then proceeded to grill him about his playstyle so I could draw his---Farmsona? Harvestsona? Moonsona?? 

His farmboy.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Min Tea & Friends


Originally, we teamed up to fight my first Primal. It quickly became an apartment tour, fashion show, photoshoot, and now this drawing. ft @myouimi's ever-perfect Min Tea.

Also, the first time I've used soft shading in...years? Let alone screentones. (click to enlarge to really appreciate em)

Kara Klash


FFXIV Screenshot Redraw