Saturday, September 28, 2019

Knaves of Eberron pt5

Train Fashion!
Day & Night looks for our trip to Korranberg. Karch dressed down, Luci dressed up, and Illion---never changes. Ever.

Train Friends
We met a Reforged named "Dead" with a bunch of "skin", "hair", "pipes" He's gross. And the two on-board changelings disguised themselves as the one waitress on board. Hijinks ensued.

The Misunderstanding AKA The Blush-Off
With a changeling assassin face-swapping all night, and their bodyguard gone: Luci went to bunk with the only other ally on board. Miscommunications were had.

The Choice
Karch had to make some tough choices last session: Smash a hot changeling or go save his new friends (from another changeling).

In the end, he chose both.

Illion finally got to use that wrist-bow. At point blank range. With the worlds most brutal boop. Right through the brain.
One assassin down. One kill team left. Somewhere.

It was a long train trip to Korranberg with a lot of bits that didn't get a full illustration. So here's The Bits.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Alloy & Friends pt3

Alloy & Friends Group Shot!
We've been in the sticks together for a couple months and I realized I never drew everyone all together. At least not in a formal way. So here we are!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Knaves of Eberron pt 4

What's On Your Mind?
This week, the party tried to play brain surgeon on my character to extract a brain-parasite demon. It---didn't go so well.

Well If It Isn't My Good Friend, "Consequences"
After the brain-surgery botched, and my character died, her brain-parasite quickly went feral. The rest of the party survived. For now.

It took 6 sessions but we finally got our magewright a new leg. Made by a local Dean of Artificier School, it shoots Sculptable Fire from the kneecap.

Kamil Karch
My replacement character for Knaves of Eberron is This Dude. On the outside, just an elf on a quest of self-improvement. On the inside: Motivated Blood of Vol cultist.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Alloy & Friends pt2

The Lotus Crew pt1
The WoDSquad (name pending) hopped aboard a merchant vessel to take them to High Elf Town. In the meantime, we're solving Maritime Crime. (Also the crews all Cool Tritons)

The Lotus Crew pt2
More of our merchant crew! Tritons seem Pretty Damn Cool, even if all the ones on board are named after Shark Tale characters.

The Friends We Made Along The Way
Now that the group got the Follower/Retainer mini-stat-blocks from the 5e book...we're gonna collect so many friends.